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“Garage door only opens a foot” is a scenario that leaves many homeowners scratching their heads in confusion and irritation. This prevalent issue arises from a multitude of potential causes, each necessitating a distinct resolution approach. In this detailed guide, we delve into the underlying factors contributing to this dilemma and furnish specialized advice aimed at rectifying it, ensuring your garage door functions with utmost smoothness and dependability.

Understanding the Problem – Why My Garage Door Only Opens a Foot?

A garage door that fails to open fully typically indicates an interruption or malfunction within its operating system. This could stem from mechanical issues, electrical faults, or a combination of both. Identifying the root cause is the first step toward a solution.

Garage door only opens a foot Las Vegas
The garage door only opens a foot Las Vegas

Common Causes and Fixes

  1. Obstructions in the Track: The simplest cause could be an obstruction in the garage door’s track. Inspect the tracks for any debris or objects that might be causing the door to stop. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the tracks can prevent this issue.
  2. Misaligned or Dirty Sensors: Garage doors have safety sensors that prevent them from closing on objects. If these sensors are misaligned or dirty, they might mistakenly signal the door to stop. Cleaning the sensors and ensuring they are properly aligned can often resolve this problem.
  3. Spring Issues: The springs on your garage door counterbalance the weight of the door. If a spring is broken or tensioned incorrectly, it could cause the door to stop prematurely. Spring repair or adjustment is a more complex issue and may require professional help due to the potential danger involved.
  4. Opener Settings: Modern garage door openers have adjustable settings for travel limits and force. If these settings are incorrect, the door may not open fully. Consulting the opener’s manual and adjusting these settings might fix the issue.
  5. Worn-Out Components: Over time, parts of your garage door system can wear out. Rollers, cables, and pulleys should be inspected for wear and replaced if necessary. This not only solves current problems but also prevents future issues.

Advanced Troubleshooting

If the simple fixes don’t resolve Garage door only opens a foot, you might need to delve into more advanced troubleshooting:

  1. Logic Board Inspection: The heart of your garage door opener is its logic board. It’s the brain that controls the motions, responding to signals from remotes and sensors. If your door is behaving erratically, the logic board could be the culprit. Symptoms of a failing logic board include unresponsive remotes or keypads and doors that reverse direction without obstruction. A professional evaluation can determine if a replacement is needed, ensuring your system’s intelligence is restored.
  2. Power Supply Consistency: An often overlooked yet critical aspect of garage door functionality is the power supply. Fluctuations or interruptions in power can lead to sporadic operations. Ensuring a stable power source can alleviate mysterious issues with door movement. Regular checks of your electrical connections and backup systems can prevent these power-related mishaps.
  3. Mechanical Component Analysis: Beyond the electrical, the physical mechanics of a garage door system—rollers, tracks, and springs—demand attention. A door off its track, for instance, poses not only an operational issue but also a safety risk. Similarly, worn rollers can impede smooth travel, while improperly tensioned springs can affect balance and movement. A professional assessment can pinpoint these mechanical deficiencies, facilitating precise adjustments or replacements, in 90% of the cases you will need a garage door spring replacement to solve this problem so please make sure to call Infinity Garage Door for a free estimate to repair your broken garage door springs
Garage door only opens a foot Summerlin Las Vegas
The garage door only opens a foot Summerlin Las Vegas
When to Call a Professional

While many garage door issues can be resolved with DIY fixes, some problems require the expertise of a professional. This is particularly true for issues related to springs, which are under high tension and can be dangerous, or when dealing with electrical components like the logic board. A professional can safely and efficiently resolve these issues.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is key to avoiding garage door problems. Regularly cleaning and lubricating the tracks, rollers, and springs can prevent many issues. Additionally, periodic checks of the door’s balance, alignment, and opener settings can keep your garage door operating smoothly for years to come.

Essential Preventive Maintenance Tips for Your Garage Door

  1. Lubrication: Keeping the moving parts of your garage door well-lubricated is paramount. Apply a high-quality lubricant to rollers, hinges, and springs annually to ensure smooth operation and prevent wear and tear. This simple step can significantly reduce noise and increase the efficiency of your garage door mechanism.
  2. Visual Inspection: Regular visual inspections can help catch potential issues before they escalate. Look for signs of wear or damage on cables, springs, and rollers. Early detection of frayed cables or rusted components allows for timely repairs, ensuring your garage door remains in optimal condition.
  3. Balance Test: Checking the balance of your garage door is essential. An unbalanced door can strain the opener and lead to premature failure. To test balance, manually lift the door halfway and see if it stays in place. If it doesn’t, the springs may need adjustment by a professional.
  4. Safety Features Check: Modern garage doors come equipped with safety features like auto-reverse and photoelectric sensors. Regular testing of these features is essential to ensure they function correctly, providing added safety for your family and pets.
  5. Professional Inspection: While DIY maintenance is important, having your garage door system inspected by a professional annually can uncover issues you may not be able to detect. A professional technician can perform a comprehensive check, including the door’s alignment, spring tension, and opener settings.
Garage door springs replacement Las Vegas
Garage door springs replacement Las Vegas


A garage door that only opens a foot before stopping is a common issue with several potential causes that in most cases need a garage door spring replacement to repair the broken garage door springs. By methodically troubleshooting the problem, homeowners can often find a simple fix. However, recognizing when to call in a professional is crucial to ensuring the safety and longevity of your garage door system. Regular maintenance is the best way to prevent future issues, keeping your garage door in top condition.

If your garage door stops after opening just a foot, it might be due to the opener’s safety mechanism, which halts the door if it encounters too much resistance or feels too heavy, to prevent damage. Check for any obstructions like loose screws or debris in the tracks, inspect the cables for tangling, and verify the condition of the torsion springs, which are crucial for lifting the door. If the door operates smoothly manually but not when powered, the motor may need servicing. At Infinity Garage Doors, our expert technicians quickly diagnose and resolve such issues, ensuring efficient repairs or replacements. For immediate assistance with garage doors that won’t open, contact us for same-day service.

Call us today for a Garage Door Consultation Green Valley


What’s the difference between torsion and extension springs?

Torsion springs are typically used for heavier garage doors and are mounted above the door. Extension springs are for lighter doors and are mounted on either side. Torsion springs are considered safer and more durable​

Can I replace just one worn-out spring, or do I need to replace both?

It’s recommended to replace both springs at the same time to ensure balanced tension and prevent further damage

How long do garage door springs last?

Garage door springs typically last around 10,000 cycles, with a cycle being one opening and closing of the door

Is it advisable to repair or replace garage door springs myself?

Due to the high tension in garage door springs, it’s risky to attempt repairs or replacements yourself. Hiring a professional is safer and ensures proper installation

How can I tell if my garage door springs are broken?

A loud noise, difficulty opening the door, or the door opening only a few inches are indicators of a broken spring. It’s crucial not to operate the door until it’s repaired

Why does my garage door open only a foot?

There could be several reasons why your garage door only opens a foot:

Check for obstructions: Look for any objects or debris that might be blocking the path of the garage door. Remove them if found.

Adjust the limit settings: The limit settings on your garage door opener might need adjustment. Consult the user manual for instructions on how to adjust the limit settings.

Inspect the safety sensors: Make sure the safety sensors located near the bottom of the door are aligned properly and not obstructed. Clean the sensors and check for any damage.

Check the tracks and rollers: Ensure that the tracks and rollers are clean, lubricated, and not damaged. Use a silicone-based lubricant to lubricate the tracks and rollers if necessary.

Check the garage door springs: The garage door springs might be worn out or damaged. If you suspect an issue with the springs, it is recommended to contact a professional garage door technician for inspection and repair.

Remember, if you’re unsure or unable to troubleshoot the issue yourself, it is always best to consult a professional garage door technician for assistance.

Why will my garage door only open a little bit?

There can be several reasons why a garage door only opens partially. Here are a few possibilities:

The limit settings may need adjustment.
The garage door opener’s motor or gears may be damaged or worn.
The tracks or rollers might be misaligned or obstructed.
The springs could be worn out or broken.
The safety sensors may be malfunctioning.

I recommend contacting a professional garage door technician to diagnose and fix the issue accurately. They will have the necessary expertise and tools to identify the specific problem and provide the appropriate solution.

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