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There is no point in arguing that it can really get frustrating at times if you find yourself unable to open your garage door. If you are wondering how to open a locked garage door? This is just the right article for you. Now, circumstances like these is not common, but people still find themselves unable to open their garage doors. The sole idea behind this article is to make you aware of the different strategies that you can apply to open the door.

Open a Locked Garage Door from the Outside


When you find yourself pressing the buttons of your garage door to open the same, yet nothing is working, chances are you have lost access to your garage door. Jamming the garage door opener means that are locked out of your garage door. There are hardly any ways in which you can activate your garage door. There’s one way around the same. Try to open your garage door with the release handle manually.

Read more: Maximizing Your Budget: 5 Top Notch Ways for Effective Bent Garage Door Repair

Manually Releasing Your Garage Door


The emergency release mechanism of your garage door can come in handy if you are trying to open it manually. There are times when due to a power outage, you won’t be able to operate the door. Now, using this method, you can open them from both inside and outside.

As discussed earlier, the majority of the garage doors have a release mechanism, but they can be accessed from inside alone. With older doors, you can find external handles that you can find at the bottom or right at the face of the garage door.

Read More: Manually Opening and Closing a Garage Door

Down below is a list of some of the steps through which you can use the manual release from inside your garage door:

Unlocking the Door:


Get started with the most important aspect of your garage door, make sure to unlock everything from outside. Be it latches, locks, or any kind of external switches.

Keep Your Garage Door Completely at the Down or Closed Position:


It is very important to look at whether your garage door is completely closed or not. This ensures that you are not prone to any kind of injury or damage to the door during the process.

Disconnecting the Power:


Once you are done with the initial check-up, make sure to remove any source of power from the garage door. Unplug the opener and remove any battery that is connected to the garage door.

Look for the Red Emergency Release Cord:


The red emergency release cords are very easy to spot. Generally, you will be able to find them hanging from the railing. Bear in mind to use the method only when you have completely shut the garage door.

Pulling the Emergency Release Cord:


Make sure to pull the emergency release cord in a downward motion. This helps to disconnect the garage door while enabling the garage door to open manually.

Opening the Garage Door:


First of all, be aware not to exert too much force in your garage door. Try to pull the door upward gently until it stops moving.

Closing the Garage Door:


Once you get everything right, it is time for you to safely close the garage door. Although it is not a permanent solution, it can help you to operate your garage door for the time being.

Getting a Wi-Fi-Enabled Opener


With all the steps that are mentioned above that release the door, you might be wondering if there is any way around it or not. And the answer to the question is a huge YES. There are several circumstances where you will find the garage door with battery backup systems. This is one of the features that can come in handy, especially if you live in areas that are more prone to blackouts.

Other threats can pose your garage door. There are several circumstances where the radio frequency of your garage door starts to die on you. If this is a problem that persists with your garage door, one of the best options is actually to go with a Wi-Fi-enabled one.

You can control these doors with the help of your smartphone or even a tablet. If you are away from the garage door, one of the most notable features is being able to control your garage door. This is one of the features that can come in handy if you are a frequent traveler. Under such circumstances, you shall be able to provide access to the delivery personnel and even family members.

Getting Lock Repairs and Replacement


There are several instances where you can lock your garage door manually. Under such circumstances, manually opening your garage door is never an option. Taking assistance from a locksmith can also help you along the way. In case you have lost your original keys, the locksmith will provide you with a replacement one.

As far as professional technicians are concerned, they can release the garage door while safely reconnecting the opener. Bear in mind that forcefully trying to open a garage door and release the lever will only provide further damage. Delicate components such as springs and motors will break, resulting in a higher repair cost.

Get in touch with a professional garage repair company to safely upgrade your garage door opener from manual to completely automatic. This way, you can reap better efficiency and functionality from your garage door than ever before. At the same time, it can also add a ton of versatility to the table, making it far easier to work with.

Call for the Professionals


Infinity Garage Door is always there to assist you with how to manually open the garage door from the inside. Further, we always strive to provide the best in class quality services for our customers. You can also get emergency services from us, as there’s no certain time for your garage door to die on you.

Getting in touch with our customer care has never been easier before. Available 24/7/365, you can always reach out to us. So what are you waiting for? Contact Infinity Garage Door and get affordable quotes for garage repair.

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