There is no point in arguing that having an automatic garage door adds a lot of convenience to the table. But no matter how flexible it might sound, it always poses a threat of dying on you at the most unprecedented time. Under such circumstances, if you want to know how to open & close garage door manually, this is just the right article for you.
Here we shall be discussing the different ways of pulling the emergency release cord toward the door. But, bear in mind, if you are trying to operate your garage door manually that is already broken, it can cause further damage. Some of the most common reasons include:
A broken spring along with loose cables
- A dislodged door from its track
- Unexpected power outage
- Any malfunctioning on the remote control system
- How to Use the Garage Door Emergency Release Cord?
If you have not completely run out of your luck, you can still open your garage door with just the push of a button. The majority of the automatic garage doors come with an emergency release cord, precisely for such circumstances. You can find a red rope that signifies the release cord. In order to disengage your garage door opener, make sure to go through the following steps:
Locating the Cord
The first and foremost task is actually to locate the cord and pull it in order to release the lever locks. Pulling the cord will help you to manually open and close the garage door while detaching the opener. The correct way to pull the cord is downward or, in other cases, away from the garage door.
Lifting the Garage Door
If you find your garage door is stuck, pull the cord and then try to lift the garage door manually. Sometimes it takes put of a force, so you can always take assistance from others during the entire process. If you are still finding it hard to open the garage door, make sure to check if you have correctly detached the garage door lever or not. Bear in mind that applying too much force will only result in further damaging the garage door.
Securing the Garage Door
Hold the garage door until you find the right open position to secure the same. The garage door spring will surely assist you to hold the garage door in place, especially when you are trying to operate the garage door manually. That being said, now that you have secured your garage door, try to take out your vehicles as fast you can although it is always advised to seek professional help for garage door repair services.
When the Release Cord is Broken?
It is very important to have functioning door parts in order to move the garage door in the first place. Even that includes the emergency release cord. There are several circumstances where you will find that the release cord is actually broken, which would even restrict the movement of the garage door t even operate manually. Some of the most common reasons for the broken garage door includes:
- A broken handle
- Rotted or even frayed emergency release cod
- Corrosion within the mechanism or the spring
If you are having a hard time closing your garage door, replacing the release cord is fairly easy. Then you can readily follow the steps mentioned above and get along with the process of manually opening your garage door. Down below is a list of the proper procedure on how to actually replace the emergency cord:
Removing the Old Cord: The first and foremost task is to actually remove the old cord that is currently residing. You can either cut the same or just untie it, in order to remove it from the lever, so that you can install a newer one.
Connect One End to the Handle: A handle is actually used so that you can have a better grip while pulling out the release cord. So, make sure to connect one end of the cord with the handle and properly secure the position. You can always go with a simple knot, to make sure that the cord stays in place.
Threading the Other End Within the Mechanism: Now that you have overcome the easier part of the process, it is time to tie the other end with the lever. You need to tie the new cord to the old spot, from which you had earlier fetched the damaged cord. Make sure to thread the cord by making it run through the groove.
Tie Off the Other End: Once you have properly secured the cord, make sure to tie the other end tightly. Bear in mind that you should have at least 6 feet worth of ground clearance so that you can easily take the vehicles out of your garage.
Trimming the Excess: Once you are done with the entire process, bear in mind to trim the excess cord. Further including, you should also heat both the ends of the cord, in order to properly seal them in place. Installing the newer cord in this process will ensure that the cord doesn’t fray.
In Case of an Emergency
As stated earlier, it is very important to know how to close garage door manually, especially during the time of an emergency. In fact, there are several circumstances, where natural calamity has a huge role to play during such power outage. Under such circumstances, if you are stuck in the open, it is always advised to seek professional help.
Infinity Garage Door is the perfect option for any of your emergency garage door service Las Vegas. With our certified professionals having years of experience, we can assist you with your garage door. Neither less to say, you can also opt for regular garage door repair, maintenance, and fresh garage door installation.
Our customer care services are available 24/7 around the clock. Whether it is the middle of the night or any other time, you can always reach out to us in no time.